Hosted Form

Hosted Form is engineered for those who want maximum branding control and flexibility.  In the Hosted Form solution, you host the purchase page and include an iFrame from RocketGate where the credit card data is entered by the customer and then is transmitted directly to RocketGate.  This gives customers a seamless purchase experience from beginning to end.

Compare the Hosted Page vs Hosted Form

See the lifecycle of a Hosted Form Transaction.

Features and Benefits: 


A few examples of load balancing scenarios:

  1. load balance and cascade across 2 accounts - 50% to account #1 and 50% to account #2 
  2. 100% to a single account with a 2nd account in back up position only
  3. Balance across 3 accounts:  Maestro/Solo to account #1, Visa/Mastercard to account #2, JCB to account #3, EURO to account #3


Tokenized Payment Processing

This can be used whether you are connected to RocketGate via Gateway or Hosted Page or Hosted Form methods. RocketGate returns a unique token after the initial transaction that allows you to process subsequent transactions, such as recurring billing, without storing credit card data. This feature is supported by both our Gateway and Hosted Page solutions. See the lifecycle of a Gateway Tokenized Transaction and the lifecycle of a Hosted Page Tokenized Transaction.

Simple Per-Transaction Pricing

RocketGate does not charge percentage-based fees - just a simple per transaction fee.


Maximum Branding & Control

Use dynamic text and/or images in order to control the look and feel of the page.


RocketGate's Hosted Form solution offers maximum branding control and flexibility.