How to use RocketPay®

Create Profile

  • Check the "Remember me" box to make future purchases from this site or other RocketPay® enabled sites faster, easier and securely.
  • Confidently and securely make purchases via RocketPay®, as your credit card info is not shared with merchants. Purchases with RocketPay® use a unique token so your credit card info remains private

One-Step Purchases

  • Make purchases from any RocketPay® enabled site using your personal computer, tablet or mobile phone. Just click "submit info" - your credit card info is already filled in for you.
  • Choose to use a different card by simply entering it here and RocketPay® will update your card on file.

RocketPay® Login

  • Your credit card is linked to your email address.
  • To make future purchases with RocketPay® on a different device, just enter your email address and RocketPay® will send a secure verification code - simply enter this code to securely login.